Glacier Filtration

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Glacier Filtration’s pressure filter vessels are manufactured from FRP or Polyamide and do not require continuous maintenance as in the case of steel filters. For peace of mind, all our pressure filter vessels are pressure tested and inspected in our factory before delivery. However, for safety reasons and to extend the life of the product to the maximum, it’s important that periodic inspections are conducted and the deviations detected are corrected.

Maintenance Checklist 

  • Water tightness: Ensure there are no leaks or cracks, especially in critical places such as connections, manway covers, access nozzles and joints.
  • Filter Stability: Ensure correct levelling and good condition of the anchors and the mounting plinth.
  • Air Relief Valve: Make sure the air relief valve works properly
  • System Operation: Ensure proper functioning of the valve manifold for washing, rinsing and filtration is operating correctly.
  • Status of the Filter Bed: Ensure that the level of the filter bed is correct and that it expands properly when washing.
  • Filter Bed Recovery: After a backwash cycle, make sure the head loss across the filter in filter mode has recovered
  • Environmental Degradation: Ensure that the sun’s UV radiation is not degrading the tank and apply additional UV sacrificial top coat if necessary.
  • Change of the Filter Media: When changing out the filter media, also inspect the condition of the vessel interior, piping and in particular the  collectors and replace them with new ones if crystallisation or colour change is observed.
  • ID Label: Check the status of the label that identifies the tank and indicates its conditions of use and request a new one if it is in poor condition.